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Saturday, November 5, 2016


O-powers are abilities that you get over the course of the game.Each ability has as different effect.As you use them they get better over time by leveling up.By using the level one version 15 times it levels up to level two.By using the level two version 30 times it then levels up to level three.As they level up they also start using up more power, but it replenishes over time so don't worry.The speed that they replenish by is based off of your actual steps.If your steps are 0-2000 the regeneration speed is 1x if its 2001-3000 its 2x if its 3001-4000 its3x and finally if its 4001+ steps it will regenerate 4x faster.It normally takes about 4 minutes to fill a circle of energy at 1x regeneration.There are also special O-powers which are called S or Max O-powers.They can be received from a special Pokemon center distribution.Some Max O-powers can even be received through secret pals in super secret bases.

The masuda method

The masuda method is a very common method used to increase your odds to hatch a shiny Pokemon.This is done by breeding two Pokemon from different regions.One of the easiest ways of always having this method active is by having a ditto from another region.This way you can try to get a shiny without having to continually attempt to find a Pokemon from a different region again and again as you try to get a shiny that you don't have.This is also helpful because ditto can breed with just about any Pokemon as long that it is not a baby Pokemon or a legendary.